_There have been a lot of people over the last twenty years of my life who have told me that I should say those words, others only hoped I would and more still believed that I never would. But here I am with them writ large as the title, you see, they are just words and it will only become clear as you read through this exactly how I mean them. Let me just say for clarification,( because I've had a few people recently tell me that I tar all Americans with the same brush, which I don't) that when I say America, I do not mean every man woman and child that lives on the continent of America, I mean the Administration (and whomever happens to be the picture in front, presently it's Obama) with special mention to it's foreign policy. As the last troops pull out of Iraq to KUWAIT (so far away) but leave behind the biggest US Embassy in the world in Baghdad, you can't help but see that it's all just words. Recently when the Iraqis made comment about the 3,000 staff and 21,000 security that the American Administration were leaving in the Embassy in Baghdad they were told that if they didn't like the US Army as security for the Embassy they (the US) could replace them with civilian staff (mercenaries). Somehow, somewhere, someone misinterpreted the whole idea of "leaving". Leaving is everybody leaving, not 24,000 staying. But then, I have said it before, America never goes somewhere and leaves, look at Germany and Japan for instance it's 66 years since the end of the Second world war yet they still have a presence in those countries. Sometimes I really do just sit and wonder, this isn't news, so why do we not care? Why is it okay for America to get on it's high horse about Human rights in other countries when compared to Europe for instance it doesn't really have any and the great irony is that America never signs into Human rights legislation. Why have we let America become the police of the world? Historically America has never attacked a country that it knew could really fight back, Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction, it's military capabilities and population were severely weakened after 13 years of sanctions, Iraq was a soft target, but I am proud to say not as soft as the American's first thought. So after 8 years in Iraq they are "leaving" they have "installed a democracy" that's a misnomer in itself and after all their drum beating about Iran have left them in charge of Iraq! If you don't believe me, just the other week when Noori al-Maliki visited the graves of US soldiers, something I might add that he has never done for the soldiers of Iraq, instead of flying straight back to Baghdad he flew to Tehran to discuss what he did in the States and get the "Okay". So Thank You America for getting rid of Saddam Hussein and replacing him with an Iranian government, and 300 members of Parliament who all want to be Saddam and act accordingly. Thank You America for finding, training and supporting Saddam Hussein in Egypt in 1958 just so you could oust the socialist President of Iraq. Thank You America, for being in Iraq for 8 years, leaving 24,000 soldiers and staff behind at your embassy and moving next door to Kuwait. Thank You America for not rebuilding Iraq, leaving it to the new assholes in charge who haven't built a wall, let alone an infrastructure, Iraqis are very happy that they don't have water, electricity or proper sewerage. Thank You America, because of the invasion of iraq in 2003 there are nearly 1.5 million Iraqi deaths, Saddam didn't manage that in 35 years. We have 5 million refugees around the world of which only a few thousand are actually in America because America only takes the Iraqis who worked for them in Iraq as refugees, Europe has taken the brunt. We have over 1 million widows and orphans, another 3 million refugees inside Iraq's borders because of the civil war that no-one acknowledges because it would "look bad" on America. Thank You America, for bringing democracy in the shape of men who sat in the UK , US, Canada, Sweden, France, Germany, Ireland and other countries, lived on social welfare, swore allegiance to that country and upon their return to Iraq bought votes with blankets, generators and white goods. Thank You America, for finding the weapons of mass destruction that were such a threat to your homeland that you needed to travel halfway around the world to defend yourself. Thank you America for showing me the true meaning of "Human rights" when the CIA had me imprisoned and tortured for ten and a half months in Vienna because I wouldn't co-operate. Thank you America for making sure that I have remained stateless since my flight from Iraq in 1991. Just like you promised, you're certainly true to your word in this case. Thank You America for letting Al-Qaeda into Iraq, we never had them before. Thank You America for supporting and training Osama Bin Laden, he did a great job against those Russians in Afghanistan, it makes you wonder why he turned against you? Thank you America for making Terrorism the disease of this century, you will have plenty of "terrorists" to fight as you have created laws that make people who speak out against "America" terrorists, what happened to the "freedom of speech and Democracy" that you go around liberating other countries in the name of? Thank You America for getting the media so "on-side" that we only really see and hear what you want us to, the only Free speech is the speech you decide is Free. Thank You America for dragging the rest of the world into economic chaos, you try to arrest the 99% and leave the 1% free to do as they please that's definitely democratic. More liberties are lost through the ballot boxes than they are by tanks! Thank You America for creating all the Dictators of the last century and today, we know you've been having great fun going around liberating us. Thank You America, you've really outdone yourself this time! A special thanks to Mr. Obama the President of America, during his speech in the White House with Noori al-Maliki who was visiting, he said the following:
28/12/2011 10:16:10 pm
You are a really great man Mr. Yahia...thank you for being an inspiration for me and so many others, i'm sure...i wish you all the best, and never forget that you are not alone in you're fight for justice...me and many others are right behind you...
2/1/2012 07:34:14 am
I Have a friend visiting Baghdad at the moment. She says all the progress they are trying to make is being done by the Private Sector, the government has done nothing. She said it is Hell there in summer due to lack of electricity. We used to work in Baghdad International School, which was blown up allegedly by the Americans & then looted by the locals. They don't know what to do with Saddams unfinished largest mosque,( possibly in the world.) People no longer feel safe, My immediate family (all Sunni) have left Baghdad, some living in the USA. I have just watched "The Devil's Double", it verifies, what we heard , when we lived there about Oday & his psychopathic behaviours.Despite the film portraying a lot of negativity, life under Saddam was safer & there was stability. Democracy & liberation has done nothing for the people of Iraq, they deserve better.
David Chessler
29/1/2012 03:23:55 pm
Of course the rebuilding is being done by the private sector. Many of those companies paid good money for that war, you better believe they're going to get their share of the rewards for nation building. A lot of the same people that have vested interests in defense contracts also have investments in the effort to rebuild. They make money coming and going, while others get to bleed for their profits. It's sick!
28/12/2011 11:19:24 pm
I saw the movie and I really admire this man for his courage and am saddened by what he had to endure as well-----thank you Latif for sharing your story.May you find peace in your heart and may these memories fade . It is truly good that so many of these people are gone for good--may they never be replaced
James Mulligan (Dublin-Ireland)
28/12/2011 11:33:12 pm
Always continue to speak your mind Mr. Yahia..Keeping anger bottled up is far more dangerous than letting it out..Free speech was made for truthful people like you.
Stephanie Caruana
29/12/2011 04:30:57 am
To Alan Shatter Minister for Justice in Ireland, Latif Yahia should be given a citizenship in Ireland...show that democracy does truly exist in this world irregardless of race,religion & status...Shame on You Mr.Shatter and the Irish Government, Give the Man a chance! He's lived through enough of Hell!
The truth
16/2/2012 10:58:18 am
No child can purchase a gun in America, the nation actually has much stricter gun laws than its European and Oceania counterparts. You are very misinformed
Angele Cunningham (AP News) USA
29/12/2011 03:55:07 pm
I Love This Quotations by: Latif Yahia,
1/1/2012 01:00:34 am
Long live iraq
Brian Gutierrez
13/1/2012 01:35:24 pm
i just finished watching "the devil's double" and wanted to look up more about the extraordinary man portrayed in the film. i found this website, and just wanted to say thank you. i am an american who is in complete disgust of our foriegn policy. america (and the rest of the world for that matter) is being run by banksters whose goal above all else (human life, dignity, respect, honor) is to make a profit. it disgusts me to know the way that our country is being run, and saddens me that there really isnt anything i can do about. i continually try and educate others about the REAL united states of america (murdering globally for profit) but most everyone i talk to is a brain-washed sheep. i must say though, an awakening is occuring here in america. more and more people i talk to are waking up and realizing the truth.
Latif Yahia
14/1/2012 04:29:15 am
Dear Brian,
Ananda Tish Anawi
15/1/2012 06:56:54 am
Some Americans have been awake their whole entire lives. We are educated, awake and patient. A dead person stops fighting. An alive awake person is full of surprises. Latif many blessings to you for telling the truth on your path, Power,Control and War are very LOW vibrations. May your Love and Courage continue to shine upon us all! Love & Light, Ananda ( born in USA)
glenn from usa
26/1/2012 04:33:24 pm
Just saw the movie. very interesting. you are a good and brave person if that was portrayed correctly. Most americans get it. Don't be fooled into believing that we don't. Most people I know and associate with know we are being played like puppets and humiliated worldwide. America really is mostly good. The foundation of America is good and inspired by God. You seem like a champion of human liberty and freedom...and one brave enough to fight for it. Thank you for your example.
Martha Franks
28/1/2012 05:39:35 am
I saw this movie and was so taken by the courage to fight back this evil person. You were meant to live so that you could help all of us change. I am an american. Not all Americans are bad. I was inspired by your willingness to see justice done. I admire that. So many of us give up because they see the politics of things and see no other chance but to back down, walk away and live with what has been done to you. I loved this movie and look forward to reading more about your life.
David Chessler
29/1/2012 03:20:32 pm
Latif, we are very much prisoners here in America - we live in prisons of our own making, in our own minds. Things are getting bad here though - and people are waking up. For decades Americans just did not want to acknowledge that their government was responsible for propping up brutal dictators. Now they will at least acknowledge it as fact (although some of our more deluded citizens will make excuses for these actions, whereas before they denied them outright).
Thank you America for debt crisis and any other financial crisis which are all dramatized by yourself. "...And they denied and followed their inclinations. But for every matter is a [time of] settlement." (Surat Al-Qamar 54:3)
Thank you America for debt crisis and any other financial crisis which are all dramatized by yourself. "...And they denied and followed their inclinations. But for every matter is a [time of] settlement." (Surat Al-Qamar 54:3)
Thank you America for debt crisis and any other financial crisis which are all dramatized by yourself. "...And they denied and followed their inclinations. But for every matter is a [time of] settlement." (Surat Al-Qamar 54:3) I believe in God, the time will come to put an end to America!Farewell America, and Thank you America for all!
Jessica Jenkins
27/6/2012 03:22:37 pm
Hello Mr. Yahia. I know I am jumping into this conversation rather late, but I could not simply read and run. First allow me to say my friend that you are absolutely right, every point you have made here and your feelings regarding the United States of America are 100% valid, and Latif I am so sorry. There is no excuse for the way you were treated, and America had absolutely no business in Iraq from the time Old Dubbya (George Bush Sr.) decided to pick a fight with Saddam. Now that is not to say that Saddam was not a piece of work, he was a sadistically ambitious man no doubt, but it was not for us to dethrone him.
22/7/2012 03:40:00 pm
So insanely ungrateful and ignorantly insane. How about...
John Vii
3/1/2013 09:40:59 pm
i just watch the movie, and i saw how devil is Uday, but to be fair, not all american are not like that, and you are right, the media are the spoilers. Also, not most middleeast countries are terrorist attitude or whatsoever...they just had such things need to be reform or change, but they push it in a gruesome way. All in all...I am very proud of you Mr. Latif for you fight for freedom...and like what you said in the movie.."I am Latif!!!.....I am not like Uday.....
Gabriel Mafereka
31/1/2013 09:04:57 pm
Thank you America for removing Africa's longest liberation movement off the tzerror list.
2/4/2013 07:41:28 pm
The speech given by Obama was really appreciable. He is being admired as a perfect leader and much better human being. He had expressed his sincere gratitude to all civilians and citizens of USA. He had put forward a new vision and scope for a better America.
8/4/2013 08:37:57 pm
Its a good thing to let us know about someone new, you provided a short description but you did great to provide his link to know more about him.
30/5/2013 01:09:47 pm
Believe it or not but it might be time to consider investing in continental Europe. Because the first step toward making a profit is to buy low, the best time to buy shares is when you least feel like doing so
30/5/2013 01:21:37 pm
The only problem with that statement is that no one seems to want to pay either teachers or doctors for the extra time required for "delivering messages and inspiring students and patients" to do the right thing.
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