Book Description.
![]() The Devil's Double
Released on 1/Dec/2011
The Devils Double Trailer.
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Book Description.
![]() The Black Hole
Released on 20/November/2006
is the next chapter in the extraordinary and chilling life story of author Latif Yahia. Having escaped the brutal Iraqi regime through Northern Iraq with the help of the CIA in 1992, Latif touched down in Austria. Having family in the pristine and picturesque city of Vienna, Latif is somewhat reassured that his life will be calmer now without Uday Saddam Hussein and his hedonistically violent lifestyle. Alongside Latif is Nusa, a hired girl, a plaything and ego boost for her Baghdadi clientele, although she has never been mentioned in Latif's past works the reasons for her concealment become apparent as the story unfolds. Unfortunately life was never to become the idyll that Latif desired, his knowledge or perceived knowledge of the inner Iraqi regime was to become his saviour and his tormentor. This, left him chained and unable to move forward, as much as he wished to forget, his handlers wanted to know more.
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Book Description.
![]() The Hnngman of Abou Ghraib
Released on 01/12/2015
After the fall of Saddam in 2003 his employment continued with a new master and new duties, the CIA now gave him orders and his talents as a hangman were second only to his talents as a torturer. When the world's eyes focused on Abu Ghraib and the atrocities committed there he found his means of escape, only then, could his story be told.
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The Devil's Double Deutsch Sprachige Ausgabe. >>Kindle Edition<<
![]() Buch:
»Fidai? Das Wort trifft mich wie ein Hammerschlag, denn ein Fidai ist mehr als nur ein Double. Ein Fidai ist alles: Doppelgänger, Kämpfer, Leibeigener. Ein Fidai muss bereit sein, für seinen Herrn zu sterben.« Latif Yahia erzählt die unglaubliche, aber wahre Geschichte seines Lebens: Der junge Mann aus Bagdad und Sohn einer wohlhabenden Familie wurde fünf Jahre lang gezwungen, Odai Hussein, den gefürchteten Sohn des Diktators zu ›doubeln‹. Yahia hatte engen Kontakt zur ganzen Familie Hussein und erlebte hautnah das absurde System von Mord, Folter, Korruption und exzessiv ausgelebtem Reichtum, auf das sich das Terrorregime von Saddam Hussein stützt. Ständig in Todesgefahr, vertrat Yahia Odai als Doppelgänger
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The Devils Double | Deutscher Trailer.
![]() Released on 14/Jun/2014
Forty Shades of Conspiracy The Sequel To The Black Hole, a True Story of the illusion of Democracy in Europe and how the American CIA are behind Every Door of Power. Latif Yahia was drawn to the Emerald Isle after remember what so many Doctors, Engineers and Contractors that he had met in Iraq had told him about their homeland. Looking for a country to take him in and welcome him as its own in 1997 Latif booked his flight to Dublin, Ireland's Capital city, using another assumed identity he went about destroying Latif Yahia and his Uday connections, surely this time he could be free of Iraq and all the pain that it had brought to him. Having settled into a comfortingly mundane routine Latif now Kaled was beginning to believe that maybe, just maybe this time it would work and he could finally live a quiet and normal life, hope unfortunately was to fade as his past caught up with him, but this time not in the form of the CIA, this time it was a woman and hell hath no fury like this woman scorned. Pandora's box was opened and all that Latif had hoped to leave behind came like a torrent, suddenly the Irish authorities were aware of his presence, with their close ties to America it did not take the CIA long to follow and the game continued... Because of his opposition to the war on Iraq in 2003 and the American's use of Shannon airport, Latif Yahia is still stateless in the West since his flight from Iraq in 1991.