![]() The title above can refer to many aspects of protection, physical, mental, protection against diseases, preventative and pro-active protections. What I will be writing about today is my physical protection, the protection of Ireland and indeed all non-Muslim and Muslim countries from an insidious threat. If I’m sounding a little “G.W” I apologise, but like all matters that I write about I am passionate about it. I of course hope to be more accurate than G.W. I think that I should firstly start out by stating that like Christianity there are several variations of Islam or Muslims and within those variations, are a spectrum of believers from moderate to fundamentalist, with the fundamentalists usually bringing the spotlight upon themselves with acts of Un-Islamic behaviour. This unfortunately has become normal and like other religions Islam usually remains balanced or to be more accurate, the moderates are plentiful with the extremists/fundamentalists grabbing the headlines and giving everyone a bad name. What then happens when there is a surge in fundamentalism? This is what is happening today, right now in your country, in my country, in places you wouldn’t even think of! I have written previously about Iran and its sleeper cells, you will have heard of the ones that have been uncovered but what you most likely won’t have heard about is the surge in the Iranian backed Shi’ite or Shia Islam also known as Safavid (Sah-fah-weed). It is this version of Islam that has indoctrinated parts of Nigeria and is trying to infiltrate moderate Islamic countries like Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. This Shi’ite Islam is led by the leader Ayatollah Khameni in Iran and his Iraqi counter-part Ayatollah Sistani. History would have you believe that Saddam Hussein was a killer of Shia Muslims, yes he was, but he also killed Christians, Sunni Muslims, Kurds and Turkmen, if it got in his way he killed it. History would also have you believe that Saddam’s government consisted of only or the majority of Sunni Muslims, also not true, Saddam’s Prime Minister was Christian and his cabinet was two thirds Shia, as set out by the deck of playing cards the American Army produced of “Iraq’s most wanted”, never mind all of the cogs and wheels that kept the machine that was the Hussein regime running like clockwork. Let me just say at this point also that there is a difference between Arabic Shia and those who follow the Iranian version , the Arabic Shia are moderate, generally. The Shia of Iraq claim that Saddam Hussein religiously oppressed them, not true, they were allowed all of the normal religious ceremonies except one, the self-harming at Ashura. ![]() Ashura is the festival of remembrance of the death of Imam Hussein at the hands of the people of Karbala, where the festival is situated. This festival is marked by the re-enactment of the death of Hussein and the streets are filled with men and women (separately) showing their remorse for his death. They do this by slapping, whipping with cat of nine tails and hitting themselves with swords (there are many videos on YouTube should you wish to verify this). Saddam along with many world leaders found this ritual to be against the teachings of Islam (most other religions would concur) and so banned it. Interestingly enough upon the fall of the Hussein regime the first trucks to arrive into Iraq from Iran were loaded with zenjil (cat of nine tails) Ashura is big business and attracts more pilgrims to Karbala in Iraq than Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Recently the authorities in Karbala erected a replica of the Kabbah (tomb of the Prophet Mohammad in Mecca) to “save people the journey”. Along with the whips and chains also came the money, Mullahs in Iraq were being supported to spread this version of Islam and to build their own Militias, Badr Brigade, Hezbollah Iraq and Mehdi Army to name just a few of the thirty or so Shia Militias in Iraq today. Built in the belief that by killing in the most brutal and unusual ways they will bring about the second coming, they would bring Al Mehdi to the world, hence the amounts of beheadings and desecration of corpses in Iraq and now Syria. Whether America would like to admit it or not it handed Iraq on a silver platter to Iran, a country that it had put at the top of its “Axis of Evil”. But please don’t take my word for it, visit the website of Ayatollah Khameni www.leader.ir You’ll find lots of interesting reading there especially in the FAQ’s and recently asked sections. Check the Marriage section, I personally find the “Marrying a non-Muslim” question intriguing. While there is plenty to read in the English language version the Persian (Farsi) and Arabic are far more open about issues that the West will find uncomfortable at best. Probably why they aren’t translated. Ayatollah Sistani also has a website www.sistani.org So how are these religious people a threat to you or your country? Well let’s start at the fact that because they live in a non-Muslim country they don’t have to abide by your rules. It is perfectly okay for them to do whatever they think is necessary to continue their lives as if they were “back home” regardless of what you or your country says, the social tolerance of Western countries allows for them to dress, import food, attend religious services and live as they would in their home country, well done! But that doesn’t matter, they hate what you stand for, they are willing to take advantage of everything you will give them and more and then stab you in the back for being a Khafir/infidel (unbeliever). It is Halal ( allowed) for them to do anything that is for their benefit including but not confined to, lying, sleeping with non-muslim women, drinking, stealing, fraud, crying to make you sympathetic to their needs (particularly useful in refugee interviews). With Christians they are more than Christian, with Jews they are more than Jewish, anything to make you believe whatever they want you to believe to get what they want. Self harming is part of the Ashura tradition Please do a little research on Youtube, look up “Shia on Edgeware rd. London” or “Ashura” and see for yourself how devout they are that they can severely injure themselves physically in the name of Hussein. I cannot think of one religion in the world that tells you that to harm yourself in the worship of not even God but a Prophet is right, in fact according to any scripture I am aware of we are told the complete opposite! Some who are a little more religiously aware or have seen a Dan brown movie will cry out “Opus Dei” yes some do purge their sins through mortification of the flesh, but even in Christianity it is not seen as normal or particularly wholesome. Shia Islam has made a business out of Ashura, when Saddam fell the first thing that happened was Iran sent in trucks loaded not with food or arms but with what you will be familiar with as “cat of nine tails” for the “worthy” to demonstrate their passion for Hussein with (Ironically, this practice is banned in Iran too) . Maybe you will say to me, “well, they’re only hurting themselves” they’re not, do you think that anyone who is witness to these acts is immune to them whether they are Shia or not? Plus whipping themselves is the least of our problems, think of the mindset of someone who can do that to themselves, what is he able to do to you? I refer you back to the websites of Khameni and Sistani, especially the questions about “Mut’ah” literally translated “Mut’ah” means pleasure, a “Mut’ah” marriage is defined as: “Temporary marriage like permanent marriage is permissible and requires a marriage contract. Moreover, there is no difference between permanent marriage and temporary marriages except in some aspects of the law, such as there is no divorce in temporary marriage - it terminates with the expiration of the period. Likewise, neither spouse in a temporary marriage inherits from the other. In both permanent marriage and temporary marriages, she should not have another husband and not to be in ‘iddah for marriage with another man. If she is virgin, the permission of her father/paternal father is required based on obligatory caution.” Now some men will think “Great!” except if you check further into these websites you will see that there is no fixed age limit to these marriages. There are many cases of girls as young as 5 years old being given to men for “Mut’ah”, as with all Islamic marriages a dowry must be given for the marriage and as the contract is temporary one, a woman or girl can be married off in this way innumerable times. Both Khameni and Sistani see this as an excellent alternative to masturbation or use of a prostitute which are both Haram (sinful). But if you are paying money in a temporary marriage contract “for Pleasure” is this not Prostitution? ![]() Now that I have explained that, let’s return to the “Marrying Christian or Jewish women”, both Khameni and Sistani say that this is problematic at best: “For a Muslim man it is problematic to permanently marry a Christian or Jewish girl, while there is no harm in marrying them temporarily provided that the marriage contract is made in accordance with the Islamic law by the agreement of both parties. After the marriage is concluded according to the correct Islamic method, making it again pursuant to Christian teachings is meaningless. However, there is no objection to going to a church and holding artificial marriage ceremonies according to their method, in itself.” So for any Ladies out there who have thoughts of marrying a Shia man in the Husseiniya and then in a Church please make sure that he’s not just doing it to fool you and really he believes it’s a farce. Also you may want to check that even though you believed it was “for life” he just asked for the “temporary marriage” at the Shia Husseiniya. To highlight this, let’s talk about what recently happened in Egypt and why the Imam (religious leader) was killed, brutally at that. Egypt is a Sunni-Islamic nation, for its people public displays of affection (sexual) are illegal. Egypt is not as harsh as Dubai in this regard but is stern. Sheikh Hassan Shehata was a Shia Cleric, he had trained in the highest school for Islam and graduated as a Sunni cleric. He then went to Iran and converted to Shia Islam. With the power and money of Iran behind him he returned to Egypt to lead the small Shia population there. Egypt had long resisted the growth of Shiism, but had not persecuted those who already lived in Egypt. From the time of the Invasion of Iraq in 2003, Iran had been pushing to build huge Shia Mosques/Husseiniya and open Shia printing houses in Egypt to convert Sunnis to Shiism ( a dream of Irans since 1979 when Khomeni deposed the Shah). Neither President Mubarak nor Mursi allowed this. On June/ 23/ 2013, an angry mob of at least 300 people descended upon several Shia homes in the small town of Abu Muslam in Giza. The people were angry that the Sheikh was bringing shame and debauchery (Mut’ha) to Egypt. He, his brother and two other people were viciously killed and the Sheikhs body was dragged through the streets. I will say it now and clearly, what the people did was not right either. Again if you wish to find out more information there is plenty on the internet, strangely most of it comes from Shia sources or Iranian backed media so has a specific slant, I have even heard some Shi’ites calling him a “Martyr”. While I applaud the developed world for their humanity, tolerance and understanding, I cannot stand by and let the minority ruin it for everyone. Marble Arch in London ![]() Thank you for letting us live happily in your countries, freely practising our religions and culture but please be warned Shia Husseiniyas are costing you greatly. Firstly they are usually subsidised by the local council and or government under the “freedom of religion” act or its equivalent. Then they are centers for Mut’ah where a donation is given to the Cleric who performs the marriage contract, this Cleric often has a photo book of ladies that are available for Mut’ah there is also a book of men for the Ladies. Husseiniyas also collect a tithe known as “Khums” this money is divided between the Sheikh/Cleric and an Ayatollah it is non taxable, now you may think “It can’t be that much” but Ayatollah Sistani reportedly makes between 300-350 Million Dollars a month, from Iraq and the rest of the world. I can only guess at what Ayatollah Khameni makes! But it is certain that this money is one of the reasons that America doesn’t go after the Ayatollahs, their money is invested, in properties, businesses anything and everything, and it’s not limited to the middle east! Very recently a Shia cleric was caught entering the UK with several million dollars in a briefcase, when he was detained and questioned with a view to taxing this money he registered his home in London as a Husseiniya and declared the money as a donation to a charitable foundation, him, Khaled Al-Attiyah is a member of the Iraq parliament and continues to claim Social welfare payments from the UK. Each Husseiniya is there for one purpose, to make money. Khums, money- laundering, Mut’ah and more. ![]() In the 35 years that Saddam Hussein was president of Iraq he stole from the country, but what he stole pales into insignificance when compared to the large scale thefts from Iraq under its Shia administration. And while there are sanctions on Iran the sanctions on Iraq have been lifted, Iraq is now free to feed Iran with whatever it needs. When have you ever seen the Premier of one country going to seek permission from the religious leader of another like Nour Al -Maliki has from Khameni? How can you say that one country is independent of the other? I receive death threats daily from Shia men on Youtube, Facebook and twitter, users who don’t like what I have to say about what is happening in Iraq, the world and exposing the lies that have been profligated by the Shia. Can you believe that they have tried to say that Mahatma Ghandi attributed his learning to Hussein (Hussein successor of Prophet Mohammed not Saddam Hussein)??? Or more scandalously that Mary mother of Jesus Christ gave birth to Ali, Hussein’s father!!! It has even been said that the Queen of England is from the family tree of Hussein!! I know! Ridiculous! But they make the uneducated people that they preach to believe these lies! I cannot and will not stand by, some Shia clerics have sold little pieces of chocolate that were sent to them from God/Allah to the people for anything from 50 to 100 dollars apiece because “it will save your tribe” he had one and a half tons of the chocolate which was more than likely expired in the first place. If we were still living in the middle-ages, then this would be the norm, but we are in the 21st Century how can people be such fools?? ![]() And so because I speak out I am a target, I have been attacked, the most recent was in Ireland on 29/03/2013 when I entered a branch of Aldi with my elderly Mother, Brother and Niece. The security guard was a Shia whom I had never seen in my life before, he however knew who I was from my Youtube videos and Facebook. I won’t write the whole incident here but I will attach the letter that I wrote to Aldi Ireland about the attack. Aldi were swift with their actions and gave the letter directly to Sword security the Security company who hired the man, they in turn fired him or at least that was what I was led to believe. Three weeks later he was back at work at the same branch of Aldi, you can imagine my Mother’s horror after witnessing his attack not only on me but my Brother weeks earlier, they didn’t even bother to shift him to a different store believing that because I don’t live there I probably wouldn’t find out. I contacted Sword security to find out how and why this man had been re- instated and got a terse response from the manager who basically told me that he’s been cleared by the local Gardai (police) and therefore he had been reinstated, tough for me. The local Gardai hadn’t taken the matter seriously viewing it as a “foreigner on foreigner” dispute that they had no interest in. The Gardai in question are known for keeping their paperwork to a minimum by basically telling both parties, right or wrong, that if either party presses charges against the other then both will be bound over to the peace for at least six months, damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Maybe it has more to do with the fact that most of the Shia in Ireland are now citizens. They come making refugee claims in aliases and upon getting their travel documents and eventual citizenship return to their jobs in Iraq as police, ministers and politicians and then bring their corrupt, stolen money back to Ireland that is in such financial woes it doesn’t really care where the money comes from once it goes into the economy. Letter to Aldi There is a section on my Facebook page, it is a “wall of shame” a photo gallery of those that wish to “behead ”, “kill” or “maim” me for my “slander” against the Shia “culture and religion” mostly they write in Arabic sometimes in English and although I may sound glib, it really only takes one to do the job right, doesn’t it?
So even if the Irish police don’t want to take these threats against me seriously, there are other countries who will and eventually the Irish will have to deal with the mounting Husseiniyas and Shias out on Dublin’s O’Connell Street trying to convert Irelands Catholics to Shia. Just make sure your daughter doesn’t get her face in the Mut’ah book. Thank you for reading.
S . Cunningham
21/7/2013 09:36:43 pm
I’m Irish and shame to be Irish anymore, I’m Sorry Latif for what Hapend to you in ireland, We Love You, Irish government So Corrupt and we Don’t have a Democracy in Ireland, Shame on the Irish Government, F**k The Irish Corrupt Government, Always continue to speak your mind Latif, and To Alan Shatter Minister for Justice in Ireland shame on You.
Helen O'Briaen
21/7/2013 09:37:53 pm
Latif You have my support and the support of millions around the world, I don't think that you can say the same for American or Irish Government.
Prisma Eck
21/7/2013 09:39:36 pm
Mr. Yahia I like your attitude and braveness. Never give up, continue fighting for what is right.
21/7/2013 11:35:42 pm
I totally agree with you. The problem is that they came out of nowhere and now they are trying (successfuly) to badly represent our Shia community. I dont know where they were before, they just appeared and they are gradually destroying everything; culturally, economically; physically .. you name it. My questions are the following: now that we know the problem, any suggestions on how to help get rid of them? I, for one, am sick and tired of waiting for someone who may or may not save Iraq from all of this, what are our duties, or better yet, what can we do as young cultured Iraqies?
22/7/2013 02:51:24 am
For several years I was married to a "Muslim" man, I did not understand that there was a difference, I just all Muslims were the same. I found out after three years that he had a wife and four children in Pakistan, I was devastated. Now I understand.....
22/7/2013 09:29:09 pm
I was married to an Iraqi Shia, he beat me and my kids every day. when I finally left him, he would follow me and make my life hell, saying he "had a nose like a dog" and " could "smell that I was cheating on him", I wasn't, all I wanted was peace to raise my kids. when I eventually went to the police, they told me that he had two wives in Iraq already! I was devastated, but happy to be free of him.
22/7/2013 10:44:03 pm
my sister married a shia man, once he got citizenship he was gone, never liked him, he would walk behind me in shops and tell me how nice i smelled.now that i know about mutha maybe he thought there was a chance i could be next. good riddance
22/7/2013 11:52:26 pm
My best friend got involved with an Iraqi Shia, he used to tell her that his family was rich in Iraq and that the money they saved was going to build a huge villa for them in Iraq, he wasn't worried about going back because his people were in power even though he was a refugee. Afte four years of saving and getting loans and credit cards he got his citizenship and ran leaving her with credit up to her eyes, two kids and not much else.
23/7/2013 12:49:18 am
a female member of my family married a muslim man we didnt know that there was differnt types they was just muslims to us. i liked him thought he was a stand up guy. one day i was driving through an area of London and saw him with others slapping themselves in the street. i didnt stop asked him later what the story was he said it was part of his releigion. that was jsut the begining he started going to a place called a husseinija i thought muslims went to mosques, then he was out on the streets with these little whip things, each to their own, but he started not working becuase of the harm he caused himself and his family startd to suffer. eventually he was spending all his time at these husseinija places and started talking trash about non muslims and how we are all going to hell. he's not the same guy i thought i knew.
23/7/2013 06:52:55 am
A group of Shia guys used to some into my cafe, they dressed in bright colors and very tight trousers, they kinda looked like a boy band. We only heard about Shitie and Sunni because they used to say Ya ali instead y'allah, and we asked them about it one day.just one of those things, they went out with a few of the other girls who worked with me , drank, smoke, partied the usual, never really thought they were religious at all until these parades started going down our main street, next thing we know there they are whipping themselves and shout ya'hussein whoever he is! It made us a bit scared really, one day they're laughing and joking party boys the next they look like religious fanatics.
24/7/2013 03:51:03 am
Thank you for writing this article it has really opened my eyes to the Shi'ite religion and culture.
أبن حزب الله العراق
27/7/2013 01:57:21 am
لطيف يحيى سوف نقطع رأسك وسوف نصلك يا بعثي عن قريب وسوف نقطع عائلتك الغجر امام عينك وبعدها نقطع رأسك العفن لكي نتخلص من قاذورات البعثية او جماعة صدام ونحن قريبين جداً عليك يا ساقط العراق شيعي شيعي شيعي او مارح تشوفوها بعد
Mohammed R.Albazaz
8/12/2013 08:59:12 am
Dr. Latif Yahia I wish that we have 10 copies of you to get us out from this mess .. I'm totally agreed about what you said. Thanks
6/6/2014 03:19:09 am
Aren't you tired of proceeding of ignition secretarian strive? I didn't even read your letter fully, but you are more than childish. Stop whining when somebody threatens you. He is angy, and? Wheres the problem?
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